Splitter FREE

Saturday, October 22, 2022

WMC MIDI Keyboard Splitter FREE Environment for Logic Pro X

Essential MIDI environment tool for Logic Pro X 

Easily divide/split note ranges and other MIDI events from your master MIDI keyboard to several parts/zones to demix play software and/or hardware synths 

 Comes in four GUI versions: horizontal, vertical, horizontal slim, vertical slim

User Manual: 



Splits MIDI note events of all channels in two parts/zones:

- Note events will be splitted in two Lower and Upper parts with selectable transposition and selectable output MIDI channels.

Free version limitation:
- All messages except note events are pass untouched. 

First time setting: (or use provided templates)

1. Copy Splitter from WMC Splitter project (from environment window>click & ports layer).

2. Paste Splitter to your project (to environment window>click & ports layer) and connect between Physical Input and Sequencer Input.

3. Select Splitter and move it to left-upper direction till it looks like:

- Check > Protect Cabling/Positions,

- Uncheck > Cables, 

- Check > Frameless Floating Window, 

- Adjust size and position to your needs.

4. Check >Logic >Project settings >Recording >Auto demix by channel if multitrack recording.

5. Under Main window>Inspector tab set different MIDI channel numbers for each instrument and record enable them.

6. Configure Splitter:

- Adjust keyboard split,

- Select output MIDI Channels.

Global Settings:

Splitter switch:
On - MIDI messages will proceed accordingly to global and part settings,
Off - MIDI messages passes untouched.

Part Settings:

Ch: Output MIDI channel.

Octave: Transposition by octave.

Low: Lower part splits MIDI keyboard from note C-2 to selected note value.

Up: Upper part splits MIDI keyboard from selected note value to note G8.

Split Fader: Selects border of Lower and Upper MIDI Keyboard split part.


- Resize Splitter`s window to your needs, it will save some space.

- Use Splitter`s on/off switch, it is very useful to switch between whole and spitted/transposed keyboard when playing different instruments sets.

- To reduce MIDI latency use this settings and adjust I/O buffer size to 256 or smaller.



Q: Splitter passes MIDI note events untouched:
A: Check if Splitter switch is “on”.

Updates and Bug fixes:

All WMC products, gets free bug fixes and updates at distributors sites.
Please report any known bugs to: wowmusiccreative@gmail.com

End-user license agreement:

WOW Music Creative, wow-music-creative.blogspot.com - further WMC.

All legally purchased WMC products are licensed to be used royalty-free in your commercial music production. This royalty-free license only applies to legal purchases or free versions not to trial versions.

Sell and distribute, media maid with legally acquired WMC products (but not trial version), commercially and maintain all profit without providing a royalty to WMC.
Share, give, trade or distribute logic project, included license key protected WCM products, with unregistered(trial) status, (i.e. press UnReg button).
Share, give, trade or distribute logic project, included WCM FREE products.

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WMC MIDI Keyboard Splitter FREE Environment for Logic Pro X

Essential MIDI environment tool  for Logic Pro X   Easily divide/split note ranges and other MIDI events from your master MIDI keyboard to s...